After 559 days of closed curtains and empty theaters, Emerson Stage kicked off its fall season with a production of “The Late Wedding,” a play about...
Four weeks into the fall semester, some students housed in the Paramount Center are being asked to move to new residences in the Little Building—despite...
ArtsEmerson’s first in-person event in 18 months—an open house in the Cutler Majestic Theatre on Wednesday—aimed to reintroduce the public to theater...
Emerson intends to house students in the Paramount Center Residence Hall during the fall semester, after it was designated as a quarantine and isolation...
April 7 marked officially less than a full week before I am finally able to leave Paramount.
Over the course of the night, things seemed to be improving...
When maintenance worker Ramiro Soto returns home after a long day of cleaning Emerson buildings, he disinfects his backpack, jumps in the shower, and places...
Five students in quarantine and isolation housing in the Paramount residence hall, cut off from many of the college’s services and completely dependent...
Two Emerson-affiliated organizations, ArtsEmerson and WERS 88.9, received grant funding from Boston’s $1 million Arts and Culture COVID-19 Fund this...
Every day for two weeks, Dylan Scott woke up in an empty four-person suite in the Paramount residence hall to the view of sun cast on a brick wall, breakfast...
Students housed in single rooms with private bathrooms on campus or in the W Boston hotel may be quarantined and isolated in their own dorm room following...
Emerson will hold classes in the Paramount Center in the fall, just below the building’s residential floors that will serve as the college’s designated...
The college intends to house more than 200 students in the W hotel this semester, a measure being taken to accommodate social distancing on campus amid...
Over the past several months, Emerson has been slowly doling out new information on what on-campus life at the college will look like in the fall through...
The college plans to use the Paramount residence hall as a quarantine and isolation space for students who have contracted or been exposed to COVID-19,...
The Emerson College Police Department provides the Incident Journal to The Beacon every week. Beacon staff edit the Incident Journal for style and clarity...
Of all of Boston’s residence halls, The Paramount Center produces the most greenhouse gas emissions compared to its size, according to data gathered...