Incident Journal: Three students stuck in stairwell of Little Building, leaflets found on Walker Building


Beacon Archives

An ECPD patrol vehicle.

By Ann E. Matica, Deputy News Editor

The Emerson College Police Department provides the Incident Journal to The Beacon every week. Beacon staff edit the Incident Journal for style and clarity but not for content.

Monday, April 12

Three separate incidents of individual students getting stuck in the north stairwell of the Little Building were reported to ECPD. The resident tap desk on the second floor was closed. When the three students each walked through the closed door the door closed behind them, barring from exiting the stairwell without assistance or setting off an audible alarm. The door was opened and the students exited without injury.

Monday, April 12

An unauthorized person was reported on the 10th floor of the Ansin Building. ECPD responded and identified the individual was a former Emerson College student who was escorted out of the building without incident.

Wednesday, April 14

Housing and Residential Education staff informed ECPD of graffiti on the exterior of the Little Building on the Tremont Street side. Facilities were notified and removed the graffiti. ECPD was unable to determine when the graffiti was placed on the building or the unidentified individual who put it there. 

Friday, April 16

Unauthorized leafleting on the exterior walls of the Walker Building was reported to ECPD.
HRE was notified by ECPD and confirmed the leafletting was not authorized by their office. 
The leaflets were removed and no damage to the Walker Building was found. The two unidentified individuals who placed the leaflets on the building did not appear to be Emerson College community members.